Would you like to become more confident integrating the subtle techniques of yoga into your classes or personal practice? These workshops will give you the tools to create a natural flow from āsana into prāṇāyāma, meditation and chanting in an organic way so that they become more than an afterthought tacked on at the end of practice. Designed as continuing education workshops, they are best taken together so as to build upon your knowledge base, but they will also work as stand alone.
There are many ways to meditate, including sitting in silence, guided imagery, using movements, and repeating mantra, to name a few. How do you decide what kind of meditation to use? How do you set yourself up for success in meditation?
This workshop will explore different meditation techniques and learn how prepare for them with āsana and prāṇȳāma. We will devote time to learning about meditation objects, and how to choose imagery based on desired energetic outcomes.
Eligible for Yoga Alliance CEUs.
Cost: $55