Would you like to become more confident integrating the subtle techniques of yoga into your classes or personal practice? This workshops will give you the tools to create a natural flow from āsana into prāṇāyāma, meditation and chanting in an organic way so that they become more than an afterthought tacked on at the end of practice. Designed as continuing education workshops, they are best taken together so as to build upon your knowledge base, but they will also work as stand alone.
It can be scary to bring chanting into your own practice, let alone as a part of a class you are teaching! Using our voices, and inviting our students to do the same, adds a richness to practice. On a personal level, chanting helps us connect more deeply with ourselves, in a group setting, chanting brings group energy together. Chanting can also be used as preparation for meditation or as meditation itself. In this workshop you will learn simple three to five word chants that pay honor and respect to nature, subtle concepts such as peace or strength, and Vedic archetypes.
Eligible for Yoga Alliance CEUs.
Cost: $55